Sunday 15 February 2009

Sky isn't working: Amusing myself in other ways.

Apparently there is life outside of Sky plus. This isn't an entirely new concept for myself however is becoming marginally difficult for my housemates to comprehend. Repeat episodes of friends will be sourly missed with the murky shadow of despair being cast upon the not so aesthetically pleasing abode as other activities will have to be endured. Quite literally endured. 

In other news it is becoming apparent that we really do need a small paddling pool in our kitchen. It was foolish for us at Park View Road to think otherwise as the housing office seem to think that this is the norm and therefore, we should be grateful for the water pouring down the walls every time someone has a shower. At least it will drown the mice. To be perfectly honest I'm starting to see how this can be fun. For example, I like the element of danger whilst showering; letting 'fate' decided whether or not you will fall through the ceiling before the cooker combusts (APPARENTLY electricity and water ARE NOT a good combination). 

Methinks this is an excellent start to blogging. Yesh. 

Appreciate this entry. It may be the first and last as this is one of those "good intentions" that will be inevitably forgotten after 72 hours. 


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